Directed by Floria Sigismondi
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Dakota Fanning, Michael Shannon, Stella Maeve
Daddy Says:
The Runaways tells the story of the rise and fall of the 70's band of the same name. Growing up at that time, I'd heard of the band by reputation, but didn't get to hear any of their music due to their music getting such little radio airtime.
Only later in the 80s, after Joan Jett went solo, did I get to hear some of their songs. Being a teenage boy at the time, I developed a huge case of the "hots" for Joan Jett (this phase has yet to pass and I still have a poster of her on the wall in my home theater). I even took the girl who would later become my wife to see her in concert when she was touring in the early 90s. Even kissed her for the first time while waiting to get in the doors to hear the music I loved.
So to say my expectations for this film might be a bit high would probably have to be a big understatement. And to find out upon viewing The Runaways that the movie tells more of the story of Cherie Currie, the band's troubled lead singer, doesn't help. I suppose her story is the more interesting to tell, at least from what is portrayed in the film would lead me to conclude. And it doesn't help that Kristen Stewart is playing the role of Joan Jett. I know she is much beloved by many, and I'm not trying to stir up some controversy, but if someone could tell me just what makes her such a great actress I'd be happy to listen. To me, it seems like she plays the same role over and over, no matter what film she's in. I didn't mind her in Into the Wild, but since her role was somewhat small I thought that might be why.
The music in the film is wonderful, and if I'm lead to believe that it is the actresses themselves doing the singing, then I'd have to say I'm impressed. Both Dakota Fanning as Cherie Currie and Kristen Stewart do remarkably good impressions of the actual singers. Dakota Fanning does a very good job with her character, but the show is stolen in every scene he's in by Michael Shannon as the record producer Kim Fowley. I don't know if the real Fowley is like this in real life, but if he is I can see why he has influenced and made successful so many recording artists.
As a biopic, The Runaways is a disappointment. It doesn't go nearly in-depth enough, only skimming the surface of what could have been. But as a movie, it's an enjoyable time-waster with great music and a few good performances.
Rating for The Runaways: ***1/4.
Daughter Says:
I’ve heard of the Runaways and I’ve heard some of their music, but never had I thought that they were so deep. I follow after my parents when it comes to Joan Jett. I love her to death. I think she rocks and is really just cool. So when I heard that there was going to be a movie about them, I was super excited, but then I heard who was going to play Joan. I despise Kristen Stewart. I don’t think I’ve disliked an actress so much as I do Stewart. Her acting abilities drive me up the wall. She can only act one way to me and that is high and whiny. I’ve seen her in many movies and I’ve hated her in all of them except one, Into the Wild. The only reason I liked her in that movie was because she wasn’t in it that much and she got play her best part (being high.)
Other than her, I liked this movie. I felt like I got a taste of what the Runaways were like. Dakota Fanning did an amazing job as usual. But sometimes I find it hard that she’s growing up. I still remember when she was just a little girl. She was so little in Uptown Girls and still really young when she starred in Push. But now she’s all grown up and playing vampires that want to kill Kristen Stewart and her baby. (I wouldn’t mind too much if that whole series just disappeared out of sight forever.)
That’s beside the point. It wasn’t all Stewart’s fault. There was just something wrong with the whole thing. The movie is called The Runaways, but it really seemed to just be about Joan and Cherie. There was nothing about Lita Ford or any of the others. I thought that there were only four in the band, but apparently there were five. I wish they had covered everyone. I didn’t have any idea how they found the others in the band. Even at the end of the movie they covered where Joan and Cherie went after the end of The Runaways, but they didn’t cover anyone else. I mean we all know that Lita Ford went on to do so much more. I just wish there had been more to The Runaways then there was.
Rating for The Runaways: ***.
I have to put my two-cents worth in on this one. I am a HUGE Joan Jett fan and I was so excited about a Runaways film. Even with Stewart playing the lead, I was in!! If the movie had been called the "Cherie Currie Story" or "Neon Angel" or "I want to be in a Girl Band", anything but the Runaways, I might have actually liked it. Just because maybe I wouldn't have been sitting there wanting on the edge of my seat for a story about the Runaways. I love Lita Ford and the young woman who played her actually did a better job that Stewart did. Though Joan Jett is known for her slumping over her guitar, Stewart looked awkward and Ms. Jett might look like many things, but awkward is NOT one of them!!! Yes, we are probable very hard on the young lady, but if you are going to portray one of the sexiest, hard core rockers of all time either be great or we will tear you apart. I did forget I was watching Ms. Fanning, I really think that young lady is truly talented and will want to see movies because she is in them.